Views expressed on this website do not necessarily represent the ideas or opinions of the Northeast Anarchist Network or affiliated groups. Posts, comments and statements represent the individual user by which they are posted, or an individual or group cited within the text.


15th Day Under Attack: Death Toll in Gaza Reaches 811

From International Middle East Media Center

On Saturday afternoon, an Israeli attack on the Gaza Strip killed seven civilians from the same family, sources in Gaza reported.

The bodies of three children from the same family killed in Gaza by the Israeli shelling on Monday – Photo by WAFA

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Gaza Under Fire


Every war Israel has waged since 1948 has had the same objective: expulsion of the native people and theft of more land. But why are we in the west silent on this truth?

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Defenders of the Land Take Action Across Canada

The colonization of North America began over 500 years ago. But the process continues today through government policies that actively create divisions within Native communities.

The devastation of Indigenous lands means a loss of culture for First Nations in Canada whose spirituality is grounded on the sanctity of Mother Earth. It also means their resources and livelihoods are squandered away, resulting in mass poverty. These processes of extraction produce hazardous waste, leaving the surrounding communities with the lingering health effects. Corporate interests are pursued over community consultation.

"Our number one enemy hasn't change over the last 500 years," says Milton of the Blackfoot Lonefighters Society. "It's called extermination."

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Paths of Struggle in a Raging Mexico

By Mandeep Dhillon - January 8, 2009

A companera of the movement in Huajuapan de León, in the state of Oaxaca says that they are “Mixtercos” - that is stubborn, stubborn, stubborn.. That they fight for everything. But that being stubborn has also allowed them to survive more than 500 years of attempts to extinguish them at the hands of colonizers that pushed their way through the Mixteca in different forms – the Spanish, cruel and despotic governments, neo-liberals and foreign investors. The constitution of 1917 never included the first peoples of this territory as it supposedly opened the doors of freedom for the Mexican population. Neither was this freedom realized through the San Andres Accords of 1996 between the Mexican government and the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) – a further attempt to reclaim that liberty which had been quashed for hundreds of years – and once again denied with the failure of government to honor its word.

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El Festival de la Digna Rabia Against Gaza Massacre


From the Festival of Dignified Rage, the organizations, collectives, and individual participants strongly condemn the horrendous massacre perpetrated by the Israeli military against the civilian population of the Gaza Strip

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Palestine Solidarity Posters

From (image below):

In Solidarity with the National Day of Solidarity with Palestinian People I started working on this poster, I am linking two files that can be downloaded and printed on both 8.5x11 (download here) and 11x17 (download here) so people can put them up in their offices or windows.

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