Views expressed on this website do not necessarily represent the ideas or opinions of the Northeast Anarchist Network or affiliated groups. Posts, comments and statements represent the individual user by which they are posted, or an individual or group cited within the text.

El Festival de la Digna Rabia Against Gaza Massacre


From the Festival of Dignified Rage, the organizations, collectives, and individual participants strongly condemn the horrendous massacre perpetrated by the Israeli military against the civilian population of the Gaza Strip on December 27th of this year, resulting in hundreds of injured and dead people, the majority civilians. This crime represents a dangerous increase in the permanent holocaust that is committed against the Palestinian people with United States financing and the world's enabling, hypocritical, and disgraceful silence.

The biggest Israeli air attack in the past 40 years, carried out with F-16 planes and Apache helicopters supplied by the United States, was announced beforehand by the Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs Tzipi Livni, who stated on December 9 that the Israeli army should carry out a large-scale military offensive in Gaza in retaliation for that which she described as "the violation of the truce."

The operation against Hamas "is just beginning," said Avi Benayahu, one of the Israeli military's spokespersons, while Israel's Minister of Defense, Ehud Barak, declared that the attacks would continue for "as long as necessary," and alluded to an imminent land invasion carried out by the military.

As always, Israel presents itself as the victim that demands the right of self-defense against terrorism, and the corporate media promotes the lie that the slaughter was in response to the Hamas party's launching of Qassam missiles. In reality these missiles are symbolic and almost never cause Israeli victims. In fact, during the recent truce from June 19 to December 19, the Palestinians in Gaza didn't kill a single Israeli civilian, while Israel killed 49 Palestinians. The argument of self-defense against terrorism is also used to justify the merciless blockade which began in January 2006 immediately after Hamas won the legislative elections.

Their goal? Punish the Palestinians in Gaza for having elected a government that is unacceptable for Israel. Thanks to this effort to starve to death Gaza inhabitants, the hospitals don't have the necessary medicine, medical supplies, electricity, potable water, or food to care for the wounded. While the world leaders criticize Hamas' provocations, they limit themselves to criticizing Israel's "disproportional use of force." However, the ferocity of this latest slaughter has provoked the rage of hundreds of thousands of people who are holding marches and rallies in many parts of the world.

Due to all of the above, we manifest our dignified rage against this genocidal attack against Gaza and we call upon the international community to resist the military offensive and exercise continual pressure on the Israeli government in order to stop the crimes against the Palestinian people.


I need someone to talk to online

including reasonable comments here... I need someone to talk to online

ronde 1

Di pasaran kita mampu menemukan bermacam jenis tas seminar jakarta buat perempuan salah satunya adalah tas perempuan untuk kuliah tas seminar jakarta bakal kita bahas dalam artikel kali ini. Para mahasiswi yg masih duduk di bangku kuliah benar-benar sanggup menjadi “sasaran empuk” bagi beberapa produsen tas seminar jakarta tas seminar jakarta menjual produk tas andalan mereka masing-masing. dikarenakan para anak kuliah ini rata-rata cenderung utk lebih sering berganti model tas serasi bersama tren yg terjadi terhadap saat tas seminar jakarta. menjadi tidak mengherankan apabila ketika ini anak kuliahan jadi target pasar yang amat menggiurkan. Di kota-kota besar seperti Yogyakarta, Malang dan pun tas seminar jakarta, banyak terdapat universitas dengan mahasiswi yg pun banyak maka product tas di kota ini pun pasti melimpah. tambah satu lagi tas seminar
tas seminar jakarta
Tas perempuan utk tas seminar jakarta ada beraneka ragam macam kategori & model, salah satu type tas yang sering kita jumpai dan dimanfaatkan oleh para mahasiswi dikala kuliah ialah sling bag . tas seminar jakarta tas seminar jakarta yang satu ini mempunyai ciri khas yang sanggup dgn enteng kita lihat ialah dengan tali yang panjang untuk membawa tas dgn trik diletakkan disalah satu bahu tas seminar jakarta perempuan yang menggunakannya. bersama tali yg panjang, type tas yang satu ini teramat sesuai bila dimanfaatkan oleh perempuan berpostur tinggi karena dapat bisa memberikan kesan sesuai dan serta lebih trendi.
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tas seminar jakarta wanita utk kuliah yg sanggup kamu memilih selanjutnya bisa jadi telah tak asing lagi di telinga tas seminar jakarta kita seluruh ialah tas ransel. biarpun tas ini lebih identik dan tidak sedikit dipakai oleh para cowok tetapi kamu kaum perempuan yg ingin menggunakannya tas seminar jakarta pun bisa loh. Tas berjenis ransel ini waktu ini serta sudah tidak sedikit digunakan oleh kaum perempuan diwaktu berkuliah sebab praktis & enteng dalam tas seminar jakarta perawatannya. Tas jinjing merupakan jenis tas berikutnya yg serta bisa kamu bawa saat kuliah agar dapat tetap tampil gaya dan canggih dgn tas seminar jakarta tas seminar jakarta yang anda bawa itu. tapi sebaiknya kamu yg memakai tas jinjing ini terhadap saat kuliah tak buat membawa benda yg berat seperti netbook atau pula buku atau kamus sebab kamu tentu dapat merasakan tangan yang gampang capek.

tas seminar jakarta tas seminar jakarta
product tas seminar jakarta wanita untuk kuliah yg waktu ini pun sedang tidak sedikit diminati oleh para mahasiswi tas seminar jakarta yakni tas karakter. serasi dgn namanya, tas yg satu ini benar-benar sanggup menggambarkan karakter dari diri anda atau pun dari hobi yang kamu miliki dgn penambahan gambar atau kata-kata memakai teknik sablon, bordir atau pula tempelan kain flannel, tas tas seminar jakarta karakter yang satu ini ialah salah satu product inovatif yang patut utk kamu cobalah Harganya pula relatif terjangkau loh utk kalangan mahasiswi. Bermodalkan uang Rupiah 75.000 saja kalian sudah dapat meraih tas karakter yang lucu & unik buat dijadikan sbg tas seminar jakarta kuliah.

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