Views expressed on this website do not necessarily represent the ideas or opinions of the Northeast Anarchist Network or affiliated groups. Posts, comments and statements represent the individual user by which they are posted, or an individual or group cited within the text.
Anti-Oppression Committee
The Anti-Oppression Committee of the Northeast Anarchist Network exists to address the ways in which every last one of us, even activists who have dedicated their lives to fighting against oppression, have internalized the tenets of a white supremacist, xenophobic, patriarchal, queerphobic, classist, ablist, capitalist plutocracy. This unpleasant, but necessary work falls to a rotating cast of folks whose responsibilities may include being designated conflict mediators at Network events, assembling and presenting workshops to address issues not easily brought up in conversation, and generally existing in a perpetual state of autodidacticism about the ways in which intersecting, hierarchical systems of dominance shape the lives and experiences of every individual on the planet.
Assembled below, arranged alphabetically by title, are some favorite readings of Committee members and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Northeast Anarchist Network.
Race, Anarchy, and Punk Rock: The impact of cultural boundaries within the anarchist movement
Think Women Have Achieved Equality? Think Again.
To Hell With Good Intentions by Ivan Illich
Unpacking the White Privilege Knapsack by Peggy Macintosh
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Views expressed on this website do not necessarily represent the ideas or opinions of the Northeast Anarchist Network or affiliated groups. Posts, comments and statements represent the individual user by which they are posted, or an individual or group cited within the text.