Views expressed on this website do not necessarily represent the ideas or opinions of the Northeast Anarchist Network or affiliated groups. Posts, comments and statements represent the individual user by which they are posted, or an individual or group cited within the text.

News Sources

How drones are killing the antiwar movement

Washington DC IndyMedia - Wed, 03/05/2014 - 1:55am
You don't see that many antiwar protests anymore, but the US government is as busy as ever killing people. Today, however, they do it more and more with drones (robots) and less and less with human warriors who have to give some to get some.
Categories: Northeast IndyMedias

The Ex-Worker #19: Anarchists In Revolt

CrimethInc. - Tue, 03/04/2014 - 6:19pm

#19: Anarchists In Revolt, From Bosnia to Peru – Our discussion of communism will have to wait… because post-socialist Bosnia is erupting in rebellion! In this episode, we share two interviews with anarchists from the Balkans reflecting on the current uprisings, along with recent updates and a Bosnian hip hop artist’s protest anthem. An Ex-Worker travels to Lima, Peru and sends back a report on a recent anarchist book and propaganda fair, including a group shout-out from a workshop about the podcast, live interviews and musical recordings. Listeners critique our treatment of market anarchism, an eco-defense prisoner explains police tactics, and news on state repression, prisoner strikes, and anti-extraction struggles round out our exploration of resistance to authority around the globe.

We’ll be back in two weeks with the episode we promised on what communists and socialists do (or don’t) have in common with anarchists. Until then, you can download this and all of our previous episodes online. You can also subscribe in iTunes here or just add the feed URL to your podcast player of choice. Rate us on iTunes and let us know what you think, or send us an email to You can also call us 24 hours a day at 202–59-NOWRK, that is, 202–596–6975.

Medea Benjamin injured in brutal deportation from Egypt en route to Gaza

Washington DC IndyMedia - Tue, 03/04/2014 - 1:52pm
This is an extraordinarily ugly report. Apparently the coup government in Egypt, the same one that shot over 600 protesters in Tahrir Square to retain power, has decided that anyone friendly to Gaza is an enemy to be assaulted. When Code Pink tried to send a team to Gaza as part of the International Delegation of Women, Medea Benjamin was assaulted and received either a broken arm and torn ligaments.
Categories: Northeast IndyMedias

Rolling Thunder #11 Shipping Soon

CrimethInc. - Mon, 03/03/2014 - 3:08pm

We are elated to announce that in just a couple short weeks we’ll be shipping out Rolling Thunder #11 to subscribers—we received the unbound, printed samples last week (pictured above) and they were absolutely perfect. Issue #11 begins what we consider to be the second series of Rolling Thunder and we think you’ll be pleasantly surprised with the small improvements we’ve made.

Rolling Thunder subscribers: If you have moved, now is the time to send us your new address, if you haven’t already; shoot an email to with your new address and we’ll take care of it. Also, if you are a subscriber and didn’t get our new issue notification email two weeks ago, it means either your email service marked it as spam, or the email address we have on record for you is no longer valid—if the later is the case, drop us a line and lets us know your preferred contact email. Our most sincere thanks for subscribing, it’s what makes Rolling Thunder possible.

If you are NOT a Rolling Thunder subscriber: Now is a great time to subscribe—you’ll be sent the new issue the second it’s available (and weeks before it’s available to non-subscribers), and it’ll save you a ton of money (see below) compared to buying the issues one at a time. Subscriptions are essential to Rolling Thunder’s continued survival; if you believe Rolling Thunder to be a project worth supporting, please subscribe.

Subscription Cost Per Issue vs. Single Issue Cost:

  • In the US, to order a single issue costs $11.37 ($8 + $3.37 Media Mail Shipping), versus subscribing which costs just $25 total for four issues ($6.25 per issue).
  • Outside the US, to order a single issue costs $32 ($8 + $24 Global Priority Mail), versus subscribing which costs just $35 total for four issues ($8.75 per issue).

Park Service cancels open house on future of Rock Creek Park

Washington DC IndyMedia - Mon, 03/03/2014 - 2:13pm
On the 3ed of march, the NPS announced the cancellation of a planned open house on the future of Rock Creek, scheduled to be held at St. John's College High School at 6:30PM. Curiously, the event has not been rescheduled.
Categories: Northeast IndyMedias

(en) El Libertario (Caracas) - Express Update of the Venezuelan situation (February 25, 2014) (fr)

A-Infos - Thu, 02/27/2014 - 5:09pm
The February 21th, we wrote a summary of events for those who are on the outside, oversaturated with information about Venezuela, we needed a chronology of events. It has just 4 days of this story, but there are many new elements that an update is necessary to suggest, that any picture of the Venezuelan reality will change in the next few hours. ---- The first element that stands out is that the manifestations of government critics have continued to the time of this writing, and doesn't seems to stop in the coming days. Venezuelan culture was characterized by the effort to promote short-term results, no permanence in time, so that the sum of each new day of protest politics, contradict itself this immediacy of "doing" in the country. That is why President Maduro uses as one of its strategies encourage its rapid wear, increasing two more days to holiday carnival that ...

50K petitions demanding action against surface coal mine pollution delivered to Dept of the Interior

Washington DC IndyMedia - Thu, 02/27/2014 - 4:59pm
On the 27th of February, over 50,00 signatures gathered by the West Virginia CARE Campaign were delivered to the US Dept of the Interior demanding intervention against West Virginia's failed coal mining/water pollution regulatory agencies. Video of CARE's petition delivery

(en) France, Alternative Libertaire AL #235 - Chronicles of alienated labor: "We were friends ... "Damien, foreman (fr, pt) [machine translation]

A-Infos - Thu, 02/27/2014 - 3:10pm
Chronicles of alienated labor by Aline Torterat, Occupational physician Damien, foreman construction[1] ---- I started working very young in public works. The action, the outdoors, a certain autonomy. I liked and I still love it. Then, by chance, I found myself specialize in the field of sealing. Quality is the main and it requires a good professional control issue. In addition, the sites do not abound, therefore no risk of unemployment. I spent over 15 years in the same company. This is where I learned everything. I was appreciated for my skills and my strength. It's true, I can say that I have never been sick. I am a great athlete. I am strong for my 40 years. ---- Then one of my best colleagues embarked putting himself on his own. Starting his business well, he took me with him. Normal, we were friends, and we knew we had common values. ...

On the Global Conjuncture, February 2014

Washington DC IndyMedia - Thu, 02/27/2014 - 1:16am
The key feature of the global landscape is the continuing stagnation of the centers of the global economy, the United States and the European Union. The promise of sustained recovery from the financial implosion has eluded the United States for over three years now while most of Europe remains mired in very deep recession, with the notable exception of Germany.
Categories: Northeast IndyMedias

Posters condemning Rock Creek deer slaughter appear in the park

Washington DC IndyMedia - Wed, 02/26/2014 - 6:38pm
On the 26th of February, posters condemning Rock Creek Park's recent shooting of deer appeared throughout the park, usually next to the signs warning people to stay out of the park while deer are being shot after dark.
Categories: Northeast IndyMedias

(en) France, Alternative Libertaire AL #235 - Retirement Homes: Gold and gray of silence (fr, pt) [machine translation]

A-Infos - Wed, 02/26/2014 - 1:49pm
Abuse, neglect, people over 90 years' trademarks emergency "for non-payment by the family. That daily in Establishments for hosting frail elderly (nursing homes), modern name of nursing homes or homes for the aged. ---- Nursing homes are largely properties of the private sector itself in the hands of often very large groups (DomusVi, Dolca / Vendome Orpea Korian, Emera ...) and sometimes very wealthy CEO. Is that old, it can pay big dividends: the "white gold". ---- When we get information for a home there is no shortage of luxury brochures touting the quality of reception. But quality comes at a price: on average from 2 500 to 3 000 euros per month. Some institutions may reach 5,000 euros or more. Obviously these are not all retirees are who can afford it! And conditions of support (people often dependent) are not always up .... ...

(en) An Open Letter on the Situation in Venezuela, to the comrades of the FEL and El Libertario by the anarchist nosotros los pobres

A-Infos - Tue, 02/25/2014 - 12:42pm
Two weeks ago, Nosotros los Pobres had the good fortune to host a presentation by two members of the Federacion de Estudiantes Libertarias of Chile, with whom we had a very productive exchange of ideas. Soon after that, I saw a statement published by the FEL, commenting on the situation in Venezuela, in which they expressed sympathy for the “Venezuelan people” in their resistance against a coup d’etat. As a member of Nosotros los Pobres, I wanted to share some thoughts about Venezuela and what’s going on there, both now and for the last 15 years, and I hope they will be useful for especifista comrades as well as for concerned and informed people generally. ---- The first observation, in response to the assertions of my Chilean comrades, is that there isn’t going to be a coup de etat en Venezuela. ...

(en) El Libertario: Twelve F.A.Q. about what is happening in Venezuela (ca)

A-Infos - Tue, 02/25/2014 - 6:43am
1) Are the protests in Venezuela led by opposition parties on the right? ---- No. The current wave of protests began in the city of San CristÃbal (Tachira) on Feb. 4 when students denouncing security issues on the university campus were met with repression and several were jailed. The consequent protests focused on liberating the detained students, spread to other cities and were also met with repression, intensifying student unrest. It was in this context that a faction of the opposition launched a proposal for street demonstrations dubbed ÂLa Salida to demand President MaduroÂs resignation, while another faction opposed the idea of street demonstrations focused on this larger, single demand. Despite the arrest of the conservative politician Leopoldo LÃpez, the widespread protests all over the country have overwhelmed and Âsurpassed on the left the opposition political ...

(en) France, Alternative Libertaire AL #235 - Police checks: Offense facies, denial of promise (fr, pt) [machine translation]

A-Infos - Tue, 02/25/2014 - 5:06am
Among the promises of Holland, one of which was to set up a receipt for identity check. But like other, since it has been stored. A group mobilizes to stop the unfair practices of the state. ---- With the promise of the receipt of identity checks, the idea was that the police officer that controls a person to produce an official document indicating the date, time and reason for the check, the name of the officer and ethnicity and / or nationality of the person being checked. A few weeks after the presidential election, Ayrault announced the imminent introduction of the famous receipt. ---- Unfulfilled promise ---- But in September of the same year Valls bury the proposal, claiming placement too complicated, cumbersome administrative procedures and the risk of seeing fake receipts. Sure, from this perspective, the project appears to be impossible to implement. ...

(en) Palestine-Israel, The smell of the nearing victory the joint struggle contribute so much to*

A-Infos - Tue, 02/25/2014 - 5:00am
The Israeli media is nearly obsessed with the escalation of the B.D.S. as if they know things they do not disclose. Both supporters and rejectors of the end of the occupation start to regard it as immanent and not in the far future. A section of the Israeli capitalist elite which is suffering from the boycott and fear its escalation start to organize to accelerate the end of occupation. 100 of them traveled for the Dabus conference and official organization was established. On the ground, it seems that the efforts of the Israeli state forces escalate their repression of on going struggles and make more efforts to transfer villagers from strategic locations. Bil'in will celebrate the ninth anniversary of the ongoing struggle on the 28th of February. ...

USDA deer killers return to Rock Creek Park on Feb 24 and 25, drag marks found in woods

Washington DC IndyMedia - Tue, 02/25/2014 - 1:11am
On the 24th of February, 46 days after they were last seen in Rock Creek Park, the USDA's "wildlife services" snipers were found in the park shooting deer or attempting to do so. Video including stuck WS golf cart Drag marks found in woods in next-day recon
Categories: Northeast IndyMedias

Upper Class Income Earners Will Help Pay For HR 676 Single Payer Health Insurance

Washington DC IndyMedia - Mon, 02/24/2014 - 5:57pm
The super rich will help pay for single payer health insurance.
Categories: Northeast IndyMedias

(en) An anarchist critique of horizontalism by by Andrew Flood - WSM

A-Infos - Mon, 02/24/2014 - 11:59am
Horizontalism is an emerging term used to describe the key common characteristics of the waves of rebellion of the last decade. Occupy in 2011 was the peak to date but the term Horizontalism itself appears to originate the rebellion in Argentina after the 2001 banking crisis there. Marina Sitrin in her book on that rebellion says the term (in Spanish obviously) was used to describe the neighborhood, workplace & unemployed assemblies that emerged to form "social movements seeking self-management, autonomy and direct democracy." ---- Horizontalism is a practice rather than a theory, which is to say in the various writings that use the term it has been described in practice rather than theorised as an ideal. It's easiest to see the practice in the context of the assembly-based movements that have come and gone since the rebellion in Argentina. ...

(en) France, Organisation Communiste Libertarie (OCL) - February 22, in the streets of Nantes, against the airport and the city CAPITALISM = AIRPORT - STOP IMMEDIATELY! (fr) [machine translation]

A-Infos - Mon, 02/24/2014 - 6:50am
Mobilization against the airport project is now entering a new phase. ---- On the ground, with the active occupation of the ZAD and cultivation of land seized, with 200 local committees throughout the hexagon, it has never been as strong and organized. however we will not cut the showdown, even if it is difficult to predict when, where and how ... ---- After the failures of social struggles in recent years, block this airport and win this battle forty years (and we will win!) project would help turn the tide, to restore confidence in collective action to unlock a whole situation, opening up opportunities to rebuild balance of power against capitalism, austerity and the euro-employment blackmail, to promote other social and territorial struggles and prevent criminalization ... ...

(en) France, Alternative Libertaire AL #235 - Taxation: bluff "big bang tax" (fr, pt) [machine translation]

A-Infos - Mon, 02/24/2014 - 5:59am
Jean-Marc Ayrault announced in November a tax revolution. Already promised by candidate Hollande, the reform is bound to be emptied of all content to please the powerful. ---- In an interview with newspaper Les Echos , November 18, Jean-Marc Ayrault said: "The time is ripe for an overhaul, seamlessly, our tax system." This announcement, however, risk of spritz. As Le Parisien wrote on 13 December, "Jean-Marc Ayrault (...) saw his big bang tax reduced to a trickle by the Head of State." What remains to the agenda? "Side households Elysee evokes tax loopholes and a possible broadening of the base of the CSG (general social contribution) based on income. And business side, a possible overhaul of the corporate tax, a cleaning scrub 150 levies on businesses, or the headache of financing reform Medicare." ...

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