Views expressed on this website do not necessarily represent the ideas or opinions of the Northeast Anarchist Network or affiliated groups. Posts, comments and statements represent the individual user by which they are posted, or an individual or group cited within the text.
NORM Proposal
Proposal to musicians within the Northeast Anarchist Network, and to other revolutionary musicians throughout the Northeast:
In a time of neoliberal globalization, and enforcement of private property and an unjust order of society; and as intellectual property and other capitalist efforts threaten the free creation and sharing of political and
personal expression, we propose:
-A network of musicians and bands striving—through their art—to promote anarchism and people’s struggles, affiliated with the Network.
-A sharing and distribution network, with Myspace account and space on the NEAN website, for shows listing, music downloads, distributing cds and records, promoting groups and artists, and other tools for mutual aid between musicians and music lovers.
-Bridging musicians and music scenes with revolutionary struggles and movements, and empowering those involved in these movements to find creative expression of resistance through music. Realizing the power of music throughout history in struggles for liberation, and connecting musicians to share, collaborate and create songs of resistance for new generations of uprising and rebellion.
-Raising funds for and awareness of NEAN-affiliated and other organizations, groups, projects and struggles through a series of compilation Cds of the political music of NEAN NORM musicians and benefit events.
-The NORM will act as a committee to help set up entertainment events during and around NEAN Assemblies and other gatherings.
-The Norm strives to connect a diverse range of genres and styles, and encourage the creativity, originality and bravery to break out of the comfort zones we limit ourselves to—musically and otherwise.
-The NORM will foster the creation of our own means of entertainment, expression, and sharing amongst ourselves in resistance to capitalist contracts, copyrights and control over the music industry. The NORM: Revolutionary music by the people, for the people!
brought to the network by,
Jake and the Infernal Machine
Jeff A
Tim, Andrew and Richard of Ambush, Syracuse, NY
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Views expressed on this website do not necessarily represent the ideas or opinions of the Northeast Anarchist Network or affiliated groups. Posts, comments and statements represent the individual user by which they are posted, or an individual or group cited within the text.