Views expressed on this website do not necessarily represent the ideas or opinions of the Northeast Anarchist Network or affiliated groups. Posts, comments and statements represent the individual user by which they are posted, or an individual or group cited within the text.

New York State

New York State Groups

Groups affiliated with the Northeast Anarchist Network within the New York State subregion:


Syracuse Solidarity Network


Silent City Distro



(Anarchist Tactical Team Against Capitalist Killers)

Subregion Contacts

For information and happenings within the New York State subregion, contact:


Upstate NY Listserv

The Upstate listserv provides a medium for updates and announcements concerning the Upstate NY sub-region of the Northeast Anarchist Network, as well as sharing information and building stronger relationships between groups and individuals in Upstate NY. Upstate can include the Hudson-Mohawk, Central, Western, Northern and Southern Tier areas of New York State, setting these areas apart from Downstate, or areas more closely connected to New York City.

Upstate Listserv on Riseup lists -

Rochester Marches in Solidarity with Greece

Rochester, NY Joins International Solidarity Marches in Support of Greek Uprising

Originally from and photos at

by Zarha Dillon-Zuppelli, Photos by Mary Adams

Two weeks ago in Athens, Greece, a 16 year old anarchist got shot in the back of the head by a cop. Rochester SDS - Students for a Democratic Society -organized a march of approximately 20 people on December 20th, a day of international solidarity, to support the uprising that is happening in Greece and spread the word about what is going on.

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Syracuse Solidarity with the Greek Insurrection

While our comrades in Rochester Students for a Democratic Society rushed their streets a few hours to the west, participants from the Syracuse Solidarity Network, Activists of Oswego County, and Binghamton Not Bombs gathered in the snow around a banner reading "Solidarity with the Greek Unrest, No State Murders!"

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6th Assembly - Ithaca, NY 3.21-23

The 6th General Assembly for NEAN in Ithaca is THIS WEEK! We’re mobilizing our resources and getting things together for the weekend and we’re very very excited to host a bunch of radicals in our small liberal city.

All of y'all coming to the assembly, please look at our **blog** for all the relevant info and updates about it: Meeting info (places to be updated soon), after-meeting activities, info about Ithaca, menus, and more are all laid out on this great site!

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New York State Subregional

New York State Anarchist & Anti-Authoritarian Meeting & Networking Session, Jan 20, Binghamton, New York - Sub-regional gathering of the North East Anarchist Network during the Northeast Unconventional Action Convergence

The Syracuse Solidarity Network invites anarchists and anti-authoritarians across New York State to a sub-regional gathering of the North East Anarchist Network during the northeast Unconventional Action convergence in Binghamton, NY on January 19th to 21st 2008.

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Off the press

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Views expressed on this website do not necessarily represent the ideas or opinions of the Northeast Anarchist Network or affiliated groups. Posts, comments and statements represent the individual user by which they are posted, or an individual or group cited within the text.